Wednesday 11 November 2015

UWantMeToKillHim? - Analysis.

The cinematography within this film is very unique. When it is following the main protagonist, it is usually a handheld camera to show how his life is unsteady and not very good. It makes the audience feel part of his life as they feel like they are living it with him because it is a handheld camera. There are many close ups to him to show his emotions and to make the audience feel closer to him. during the scenes when he is online talking to people, there are extreme close ups on the words. This is to emphasise on the fact that when something is put online, it is there forever. It can also show how extreme some of the conversations are that he has.

The lighting during the film is very dull and cloudy, like England normally is, but it is like that from the start. It tells the audience straight away that it is not going to be a happy film. grey is seen as a dull, emotionless colour that represents loss and depression. This means the colouring of the film from the start somehow foreshadows what is going to happen at the end. There is loss and depression within the movie. The only time the protagonists face is lighten up brightly is when he is on the computer talking to people. This shows how it is the only thing that makes him happy.

Mise en Scene:
The setting of the film is in London. There are many scenes in estates of flats. The characters there would wear hoodies which portrays the stereotypical type of person that lives there. Most of the clothing the protagonists wear are either their school uniform or hoodies. The school uniform can connote a young and innocent person but the story of the film makes the characters not innocent at all and they know what they are capable of doing.

The young actors were very goof during the film. None of the line and emotions seemed forced which made the overall feel of the film very natural. The topic of the film was very serious, and the young actors portrayed it well in a sensible and accurate way. Their characters seemed very realistic and gave off a warming feel to them. This would mean the audience would be able to feel close to easily and understand them.

Trust, friendship and revenge are the main themes within the film, because trust is what the whole film and friendship relies on. The main protagonist (Mark) trusts people online too easily and early into their friendship and ends up falling for them. He even trusts someone online when they tell him to stab his best friend. He goes along with it and follows through with it. Revenge comes into it when he realises that the person he trusted was lying to him the whole time. He then does not regret stabbing him and says he deserved it.

Other themes include violence and obsession. Mark gets over obsessed with people online and it tends to consumes his whole life. He turns to violence when everything is bad, to think it would help sort everything out just because someone online told him to.

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